The Future of Vaping

The online vaping community has conspired on youtube to attack electronic cigarettes in the form of faux reviews of said cigarettes.

I just watched a half hour video of a Vuse E-Cig review.  The man unpackaged the product, tried it, and then sarcastically joked about using it in a “cloud competition” (?).  The entire rest of the video is this weird “vapist” propaganda about activism and vaping rights.
He goes on about how big tobacco wants people to use E-Cigs instead of these expensive specialty vapes.  Well, no fucking shit.  Why would a corporation desire anything else?  It would be something to talk about if they didn’t want you to buy their product.  That would be weird. But ya know, nobody has to tell me that water is wet.

These people think they’re being persecuted by taxation and the FDA. They act like their being personally attacked, like the entirety of their being hangs in the balance.  This is not unlike what has happens in any other emerging industry.  If there’s money to be made, the government is going to want a piece of your pie.

Man, what the fuck?